Thursday, October 29, 2009


I spent some time outside picking up papers that had blown around the neighborhood and also bringing out the recyclables and trash.
I also found this...

1. The Creator has given the Earth and its bounty to be shared by all.
Respect it, protect it, and nurture it.

2. Walk outside every day. Even when it is hot and humid or cold and blustery,
walk outside at least once every day.

3. Do not grieve for summer in winter. Use this quiet time
to reflect and reminisce, to plan and to learn.

4. Develop the discipline to do something outside every day:
In the spring, plant a row of seeds. In the summer, pull a row of weeds.
In the fall, rake a small portion of the yard. In the winter, gather dried pods and seedheads.
The point is to remain involved.

5. Take time to stop and listen to the symphony of the world around you:
The sound of the breeze in the trees, the song of the birds,
the hum of the bee.

6. Work with Nature. Do not try to bend her to your will.
She will always win in the end!

7. Develop a spirit of generosity and tolerance. Share your knowledge
and be patient with others.
It will return to reward you a hundred fold.

8. Do not harm Mother Earth. Treat her with the same respect
that you would give to your own mother.

9. Do not look upon your gardening failures as defeats.
Regard them as The Creator's way of teaching.
Listen to the lessons and learn!

10. Let your garden give you joy:
Sit and enjoy your garden and pause
to recharge, meditate, and give thanks to The Almighty One.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


It didn't get sunny until close to sunset but then it was beautiful. No rain today. Here's where I waited for the bus, on this comfortable bench.

I was early so I had some time to look around and the first thing I discovered was Home Depot's new advertising technique...
I don't think it will be very successful as most people just walked right past it. I picked it up and used it to hold the rest of the trash I picked up today. There was a trash can nearby and I put it all in there.

What do you think this is for. I wonder if some poor trucker is going around and around looking for a spot to unload.

Or maybe it just got torn up and thrown out the window. I thought it was interesting because the date is my daughter's birthday.

I meant to take a picture of the bus as it came but did get the sign. The driver said if there's no sign the bus doesn't stop. In the distance you can see the city garbage truck and the station where I used to buy gas for my car.
I took this picture from the open window on the bus because I want a dog and the phone number is right there. With my luck, though, it's probably a rottweiler.

This was my destination today and why I call it a walkabout. It's kind of a big horseshoe shaped strip mall. I ended up going to only three of the stores a skeleton, some yarn, and the Dollar Tree...this and that. Didn't stop for lunch at Taco Bell like I planned cause wasn't hungry. Waited for the bus at the correct stop but got on the wrong bus. I didn't know more that one came that way so I didn't look. Met a couple people on the bus. I remembered that bus people like to talk a lot. Ended up at home like I planned. I'm happy to have been able to get some exercise today. I want to get some better walking shoes though.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What a beautiful day, sunny and fifties

I had my bus schedule all ready and I was at the corner on time and the bus sped by me and didn't even stop so I didn't get a chance to ride the bus today. I'll try again, maybe tomorrow. I called them when I got home and they said they changed the routes and didn't get around to posting it yesterday. Pretty much anything in Green Bay that's not Packer related gets put on the back burner. I was happy to be outside though so it didn't matter too much. I brought along a bag to pick up the garbage on the way and there wasn't much at all. I did find a couple interesting things too. The first was this...
I think it's a ring to hold on a hose of some sort on a car. It was in the road so I picked it up because I figured some poor soul would run over it and blow out a tire.

The other thing I found was this Monopoly funny. Maybe I can use the ring as a piece to move around the Monopoly Board. Or not. I decided to toss them both when I got home as they both can be recycled.

I used my found time to work on the basement. I dismantled a kitchen table and gave it away on Freecycle and I found the bin of costumes that Owen and Hali were looking for. A good day.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I started walking and taking the bus now that my car has stopped after twenty years of great service. I've been noticing a lot of trash on the ground so I've been taking along a bag (bag lady) to pick it up as I believe trash will bring more trash and I like a nice looking neighborhood and city. I've also been noticing odd things like personal notes, shopping lists, etc. So I'm going to take along my camera and see what I can see on my walks and bus rides. I think it will be a great winter adventure. Perhaps in the spring I will buy another car.

Here is the picture for today...that's Chuck as my grandkids call him and the apple tree outside the sunroom.