Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What a beautiful day, sunny and fifties

I had my bus schedule all ready and I was at the corner on time and the bus sped by me and didn't even stop so I didn't get a chance to ride the bus today. I'll try again, maybe tomorrow. I called them when I got home and they said they changed the routes and didn't get around to posting it yesterday. Pretty much anything in Green Bay that's not Packer related gets put on the back burner. I was happy to be outside though so it didn't matter too much. I brought along a bag to pick up the garbage on the way and there wasn't much at all. I did find a couple interesting things too. The first was this...
I think it's a ring to hold on a hose of some sort on a car. It was in the road so I picked it up because I figured some poor soul would run over it and blow out a tire.

The other thing I found was this Monopoly Board...so funny. Maybe I can use the ring as a piece to move around the Monopoly Board. Or not. I decided to toss them both when I got home as they both can be recycled.

I used my found time to work on the basement. I dismantled a kitchen table and gave it away on Freecycle and I found the bin of costumes that Owen and Hali were looking for. A good day.

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